Contact Us

Best Rate Claim

To submit a Best Rate claim, email within 24 hours of booking your reservation and at least 48 hours prior to your check-in day. Please include the name on your reservation, confirmation number, and the competing rate (excluding taxes and fees) and website. You’ll receive a response during business hours Mon.–Sun. 8 a.m.–11 p.m. EST, or the next business day if received outside of business hours. For more details, read our Terms & Conditions.



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Best Rate Claim

To file a Best Rate claim, fill out this form within 24 hours of booking your reservation. You'll receive a response during business hours, Monday–Sunday, 8 a.m.–11 p.m. EST, or the next business day if received outside of business hours.

For more details, read our Terms & Conditions.

Guest Information

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Reservation Details

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