Featured Amenties

Everything You Need is Right Here

Exceptional services and amenities for a personalized stay

We offer the complete resort experience so you never need to leave the hotel. Indulge in our full-service spa, stay active in our fitness center and pool, or relax with a book in our scenic garden. Take care of work matters with free WiFi and a accessible computers in our lobby, while our onsite concierge assists with reservations and other requests. Additional amenities include dry cleaning, local shuttle service, and airport shuttle service for a small fee.   

Other Activities

Airport and Local Shuttle Service*

Feel at home in Phuket with transportation to the region's major points of interest with our convenient shuttle service. *Fees may apply.

Outdoor Pool

Pack your bathing suit, so you can enjoy a refreshing daily swim and gorgeous seaside views.

Fitness Centre

Stay committed to your routine with state-of-the-art cardio equipment and weights.



  • Outdoor Pool
  • Spa
  • Fitness Center
  • Local Shuttle (fee applies)
  • Airport Shuttle (fee applies)
  • Concierge
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Event Space
  • Garden




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